Peter Appel, mental trainer and founder of Movingness

Unlock your potential with Mental Training!

Would you benefit from personal coaching? As a mental trainer, I can offer you support and guidance on your path. 

In short, this is how it works:

First, we’ll go through your current situation. In mental training, this is called your “now”. When we have analyzed it, we’ll look at your future goals – your “then”. 

After that, we’ll make a plan for how you can reach your goals. During that process, we’ll meet regularly to look at your challenges and celebrate your successes. 

The first session is always free so you can learn more about the method and see if we are a good fit. Later sessions cost USD 99 per hour.

Let me know if you’re interested and we’ll set up your free first meeting!

Peter Appel, mental trainer and founder of Movingness