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Movingness teacher training 2025-26

Welcome to one of the greatest adventures on this planet – the journey back to your own body! Starting on September 7, 2025, the Movingness teacher training is an amazing inner journey and a life-changing experience.

The bodyful journey

Movingness is a unique set of somatic movements to both calm and energize your body and mind. By using the sense of interoception, you can let go of tension and deeply reconnect with yourself. This makes it possible to actively relax your nervous system, rewire your movement patterns, and create an amazing flow feeling in your body. 


The mindful journey

Movingness is not only about the body – it’s also about the mind! By combining your own experiences with insights from the wisdom traditions and current scientific research, you will find new ways of understanding yourself and other living beings. This makes it possible to work with inner and outer conflicts and transform them into compassion and resilience.

Interoception: Learn how to reconnect with your body and move from within.

Learn how to reconnect with your body and move from within.

Yoga Nidra: Learn to teach Yoga Nidra and how to combine it with movement.
Yoga Nidra

Learn to teach Yoga Nidra and how to combine it with movement.

Fascia: Learn about how to activate and engage your fascia.

Learn about how to activate and engage your fascia.

Body psychology: Learn about human evolution, trauma, neuroanatomy, and body psychology.
Body psychology

Learn about human evolution, trauma, neuroanatomy, and body psychology.

Movement anatomy: Feel and connect the different parts of your body.
Movement anatomy

Feel and connect the different parts of your body and move as one body.

Embodiment: Integrate your body and mind.

Integrate your body and mind and bring new skills into your daily life.

Donna Farhi, New Zealand, author and teacher of yoga teachers

Donna Farhi, New Zealand

“Fascinating! And, much needed in the automatic and mechanical rendition of Yoga that has become widespread.”

Teacher of yoga teachers; developer of new models of teaching and practicing yoga; author of five groundbreaking yoga books

The detailed program

The teacher training in Movingness is s a step-by-step journey, divided into three modules, each with its own focus and depth. One module takes about 12 weeks to complete. The full training is roughly 9 months. During weekly live classes, you’ll learn the movement series and the supporting breathing exercises. Simultaneously, you’ll have access to instructional videos and supporting texts in the online portal. This makes it possible for you to practice on your own but also later return to the material for repetition and further explorations.

Sign up now!

What is Movingness?

Movingness is a new method for body-mind integration. By using your sense of interoception, you can connect with the feelings in your body. Connecting your movements with your feelings makes it possible to actively relax your nervous system, release tension in your breathing, and calm your mind. It also transforms the way you move and strengthens your body confidence and your resilience. You can teach the method as a Movingness teacher. Or you can integrate it into your yoga or dance classes, your coaching, or your personal practice.

Is Movingness right for me?

The Movingness Teacher Training is specifically designed for yoga, dance, and movement teachers, as well as coaches, bodyworkers, and therapists looking for new tools to help their students or clients reconnect with their bodies. If you are a yoga or dance practitioner, you can also consider the training for your own joy and personal development! Please notice, interoceptive practices are not recommended if you are suffering from PTSD or other forms of clinical trauma.

Missy Pfohl Smith, US, professor, dancer and choreographer

Missy Pfohl Smith, USA

“Movingness is making a meaningful difference in our ability to notice ourselves, our habits, and our imbalances. To open flow through our joints, muscles, organs and fluids is to find openness, health and freedom – how exciting!”

MFA; Choreographer, performer and collaborative artist; Director, Program of Dance and Movement at the University of Rochester; founder and artistic director of BIODANCE 

Movingness Teacher Training, module 1

During the Earth Series you will learn how to deeply relax. This makes it possible to feel the sensations in your body and let them guide your movements (interoception). Natural breathing is another important subject. During the Gecko Series, you will learn how to move from the spine and add more effort without losing your underlying relaxation (resilience training). You will also learn how to teach a short Yoga Nidra, specially developed for movement.

The Earth Series is the foundation of Movingness.
Earth Series

The Earth Series is the foundation. It awakens your interoception and takes you into deep states of flow and meditation.

Learn how to move from the spine in the Gecko series.
Gecko Series

Learn how to move from the spine! And how to add more effort (Yang), without losing your relaxation (Yin).

Interoception. The ability to sense and feel your body from within is the foundation of Movingness.

Yoga Nidra. Learn about flow states, meditative states, and hypnosis. And how to teach them in class.

Welcome on an amazing inner journey!

Book your spot now and embark on an amazing inner journey starting on September 7, 2025. Here are your options!

Level 1


Pay upfront now for the first part of the training and decide later if you want to continue!

  • 10 live classes with Q&A (75–90 min)
  • Instructive videos and downloadable audio
  • Body-mind theory and movement anatomy
  • Assignments
Sign up now!

Level 1–3


Step onboard and book your full journey now! Pay upfront for the whole training and save 110 USD!

  • 26 live classes with Q&A (75–90 min)
  • Instructive videos and downloadable audios
  • Body-mind theory and movement anatomy
  • Assignments
Sign up now!

Monthly plan


Pay step-by-step! 9 monthly instalments of 147 USD, in total 1323 USD.

  • 26 live classes with Q&A (75–90 min)
  • Instructive videos and downloadable audios
  • Body-mind theory and movement anatomy
  • Assignments
Sign up now!
Sarah Lo, UK, Yin Yoga and Meditation Teacher

Sarah Lo, UK

The teacher training is a wonderful course. Beautifully developed and structured with plenty of time for practice and integration.

Yin Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Trainer in the U.K. and internationally, Certified Professional Coach (CPC).

Movingness Teacher Training, module 2

In the Dolphin Series, you will experience the joy of effortlessly moving between different planes. In the Tiger Series, you will explore your inner power, and yield and push as a natural rhythm in your way of moving. You will also study human evolution. What happened when we became the most dangerous animal on the earth? How did the cognitive and agricultural revolutions change our lives? 

Freely flow between different planes in the Dolphin Series.
Dolphin Series

In the Dolphin Series, you can explore the joy of movement. And playfully and freely flow between different positions and planes.

Movingness: The Tiger Series icon
Tiger Series

The Tiger Series is about physical and emotional power, and shows you how to transform them into effortless movement.

Human evolution. How did we end up in a situation where so many people are living in their heads and not in their bodies? 

Body psychology. Learn “body tongue” and understand how your body and mind communicate with each other. 

Narelle Carter-Quinlan, Australia, yoga therapist, dancer, and photographer

Narelle Carter-Quinlan, Australia

“As an Australian, I’ve been dancing the relationship of the body-land all my life; Peter’s authentic and sensitive work in Movingness sings a Sister Song of deep wholeness that echoes the reverent listening of the organism in the presence of Earth.”

BAppSc, Yoga Therapist, Dancer, Photographer, Founder of Embodied Terrain and The Saltwater Songlines Project.

Movingness Teacher Training, module 3

In the Anatomy Series, you will explore the body’s power centers and how to activate them. During this period, you will also learn how to work with fascia. In the Wild Goose Series, you will add emotions, energy, and spaciousness to your practice. You will also learn different ways of embodying your new skills and bringing them into your daily life. Here we will also introduce the four characters of the brain as described by Jill Bolte Taylor in her new book Whole brain living.

Integrate your body’s power centers in the Anatomy Series.
Anatomy Series

The Anatomy Series is a unique integration of your body’s power centers and movement patterns from fingers to toes.

Explore the freedom of body, mind and energy in the Wild Goose Series icon
Wild Goose Series

The Wild Goose Series explores the freedom of movement, personal expression, qi energy, and an open mind.

Working with fascia. Recent findings about fascia are revolutionizing our understanding of the body.

Movement anatomy. Explore and study how your body is moving all the way from your fingertips to your toes.

Embodiment. Integrate your new skills into your daily life and live an embodied life.

Peter Appel, Finland, is the founder of Movingness

Hi, my name is Peter Appel! I’m an internationally acclaimed somatic teacher. I’m also a yoga teacher in four traditions, a dance facilitator, a mental trainer, and the founder of Movingness. I have a lifelong interest in somatic and meditative practices. When you study with me, you get practical knowledge and deep insights into the human body-mind.

Peter has been teaching at The University of Rochester, US; The Stockholm Yoga & Dance Festival, Sweden; The Sound, Music and Wellbeing Symposium in Joensuu, Finland, the Embodiment Conference in 2018 and 2020, Oslo Tantra Festival 2022, Agape Zoe Festival in Berlin in 2023 and 2024, and the online Zen Leadership Conference in 2023.

Let me show you in practice!

Here are some short examples from the five movement series. They are practiced slowly to create a deep connection with your body and make it possible to move from within. 


What exactly is Movingness?

Movingness is an interoception based movement method for body mind-integration. It is based on five series of natural movements and one series of movement anatomy. The movements combine slow stretches with deep breathing. Starting from simple exercises to reconnect body and mind, they gradually take you into complex, free-flowing movement patterns. Movingness is practiced in a state of deep relaxation and flow, where your body and mind truly feel as one.

The Earth Series – move in a state of flow
Earth Series

The Earth Series is the foundation. It awakens your interoception and takes you into states of deep flow and meditation.

The Gecko Series – learn to move from the spine
Gecko Series

The Gecko Series teaches you how to move from the spine and use more effort (yang), without losing your relaxation (yin).

The Dolphin Series – explore the joy of movement
Dolphin Series

The Dolphin Series flows freely between different positions and planes. It’s playful and explores the joy of movement.

The Tiger Series – physical and emotional power
Tiger Series

The Tiger Series is about physical and emotional power. It also shows you how to transform them into an effortless dance. 

The Anatomy Series – freedom on two feet
Anatomy Series

The Anatomy Series is a deep exploration of your body’s simple and complex movement patterns from fingers to toes. 

The Wild Goose Series – body, mind and energy in movement
Wild Goose Series

The WIld Goose Series is focused on standing movements. It’s about the integration of movement, expression, and freedom.

Helena Wirén-Westerlund, Finland, physiotherapist and yoga teacher.

Helena Wirén-Westerlund, Finland

“It’s really important to find the slow, rolling movements of the pelvis and the spine and feel how you can move them by hardly doing anything else than breathing. I think we need to experience our deep, stabilizing muscles before we start to use our bigger muscle groups. Working from the inside out gives you a totally different experience and body awareness.”

Physiotherapist, Yoga teacher SJL® EUY 500

What my teacher students love about Movingness



Beach images by Narelle Carter-Quinlan