Weaving New Songlines – Together

Jun 14, 2020

“We are in a time of great opportunity. We are all creating our New. Now.”

Words & images Narelle Carter-Quinlan Soundscape David Parsons


We are – quite literally – all creating our New. Now.

We are in a time of great opportunity.

This, is the pause; the gestation.
The time of honesty,
of attenuated Presence
and consciousness.

This is the time of going to ground 
becoming still and vibrantly aware 
All Things.

This is the time of
deepest listening;

This is
A time of

is the time of
weaving the new Dream.

Of Creation;

With ourselves,
with each Other,

with the Being who is Earth.

Drawing the Threads down from the Stars,
from the spaces between the points of Light.

Dreaming the new physicality into



Narelle Carter-Quinlan




Narelle Carter-Quinlan, BAppSc, is an image maker, story teller and Transformer; a dance maker, yoga therapist and anatomist. She is the founder of the Saltwater Songlines Project. Her work, an embodied ecology of Place, views our bodies as part of the living land. Her image making and site specific dance, is always a collaboration with the Ancestors. In her 61st year, Narelle has danced, practiced yoga, and consciously explored the experience of spirit in form for over five and half decades. An Australian, her name means Woman of the Sea in Indigenous language.

David Parsons is a New Zealand composer and multi-instrumentalist.


A deep somatic experience!

Movingness is a new movement method for deep somatic experiences. Curious how it works? Please, try this short sequence and feel for yourself!

Yes, I’m curious!